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 Statistics SS - MATH2841
 Library lawn
Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
Contact Hours per Week: 4
Enrolment Requirements:
Prerequisite: MATH1021 or MATH1031 or MATH1231 or MATH1241 or MATH1251; Excluded: MATH2049, MATH2801, MATH2829, MATH2839, MATH1041, MATH2859, MATH2899, MATH2901, BIOS2041, BEES2041, ECON2215.
Offered: Semester 2 2005
Fee Band: 2


The goal in this course is to develop skills that are fundamental to data collection and analysis. These general skills are useful for anyone who needs to understand data, particularly science and information systems students. We focus on practical problems from research, business and the media that involve one or two variables. For such problems students should be able to: recognise what analysis procedures are appropriate, describe how to conduct a valid study, apply principles of probability theory, apply and interpret statistical procedures on a computer using SPSS, use a hand calculator for simple statistical procedures.

Note: This course is intended for students who want to take no more than 6 units of credit in Level II Statistics. It does not satisfy the prerequisites for any Level III Statistics course.

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