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 The Food Industry: Professional Perspective and Practice - FOOD1130
 The Red Centre promenade
Contact: Cox,Julian
Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
Contact Hours per Week: 6
Offered: Session Two
Fee Band: 2


This course will examine the contribution of the breadth of food science and technology to the food industry, and the skills expected of a food science professional. A technical lecture series will demonstrate the integration of all aspects of food science and technology, and their underpinning by the basic sciences, through examination of a hypothetical company producing a selected food product. Field trips will provide early exposure to the food industry. Students will be exposed to the theory of and have the opportunity to practice a range of generic skills relevant to both their University studies and practice in food science and technology, including oral and written communication, team/group work, information literacy, personality types and learning styles.

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