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 Interest Rate Risk Management - FINS3636
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Contact: Colwell,David Bryan
Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
Contact Hours per Week: 3
Enrolment Requirements:
Prerequisite: FINS2624
Offered: Semester 2 2005
Fee Band: 2


Looks at interest rate risk (IRR) and techniques for managing risk. Topics covered include term structure dynamics (including bond price lattices, spot and forward rate models), analytical and numerical techniques, duration measures, interest rate derivative securities (including options, futures, caps, floors and swaps), mortgage-backed securities and their derivatives, portfolio management, value-at-risk, and the interaction between IRR and credit risk. In discussing interest-rate derivatives, the primary emphasis is on the Hull-White model, but other models, such as the models of Ho-Lee, Cos-Ingersoll-Ross and Heath-Jarrow-Morton are discussed.

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