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 Australia and the Asia-Pacific Economies - ECON1302
 The Red Centre promenade
Contact: Clark,David Leonard
Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
Contact Hours per Week: 3
Enrolment Requirements:
Excluded: ECOH1302
Offered: Semester 2 2005
Fee Band: 2


This course focuses on Australia's economic relations with the countries of Asia and the Western Pacific since the 19th century, with particular emphasis on the period since the Second World War. Topics include: capital and trade flows, labour and immigration issues; the changing political structures; Australian colonial rule and economic development in Papua and New Guinea; the rise to economic power of Japan and its relations with Australia before the Second World War; resurgence of Japan in the 1950s and its dominance of Australia's trade; future relations with Japan; the emergence of the newly industrialising nations in Asia and their impact on Australia; the ASEAN group's special relationship with Australia; Sino-Australian economic relations; trans-Tasman economic integration; Australia's perceptions of Asia and the Pacific and obstacles to greater economic integration.

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