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 Commercial Biotechnology - BIOT3071
 The Red Centre promenade
Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
Contact Hours per Week: 4
Offered: Semester 1 2005
Fee Band: 2


This course covers aspects important to the commercialisation of biotechnology and related industries and includes: the definition, generation and protection of intellectual property (IP), issue and protection of patents in Australia and overseas, trademarks and copyright, role of confidentiality in protecting non-patentable IP; licencing arrangements and trading in IP. Innovation Management, planning and management of R&D programs, preparation and assessment of business plans. Sources of funding for biotechnology R&D, both corporate and government, establishment of business ventures, joint ventures and strategic alliances. Regulatory and legislative aspects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and environmental considerations and concerns, policies in Australia, USA and Europe regarding their use in agricultural, food and pharmaceutical industries. Introduction to the concepts of good manufacturing practice (GMP) for theraputic goods; regulatory procedures for biotechnology derived therapeutics, process validation. Marketing, licencing and business studies.

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