Building Construction Management


The construction industry is one of Australia's largest industries. UNSW offers programs in Building and Construction Management to prepare students for professional and executive employment within this industry.

Building Construction Management is the complex and detailed management of people and physical resources necessary to successfully design, develop, construct and operate residential, commercial and public properties. The building construction manager requires skills in planning, cost and quality management, law and real estate, industrial relations and people management as well as a detailed knowledge of construction techniques and materials.

Careers in a wide variety of areas, in both private enterprise and the public sector, are available to building construction graduates. These include careers in Construction and Project Management, Quantity Surveying, Property Development and Property Management. Common graduate destinations include positions as project manager, master builder, construction consultant, building estimator, quantity surveyor, building economist, property manager and building scientist.

Studying Building and Construction Management at UNSW

The study of Building Construction Management at UNSW is through UNSW Built Environment. Please refer to the table below for a list of research programs available at UNSW.

Building Construction Management can be studied as 

Specialisation Stream Type Stream
Building Research BLDGAR2210

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