Human Resource Management
At UNSW, the study of Human Resource Management provides a strong practical and theoretical grounding for understanding the policies and processes associated with the management of people in paid employment. In a climate of rapid economic and technological change, effective labour management is being seen as a critical component of the operation and strategic planning of both private-sector firms and public sector organisations.
At both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, the study of Human Resource Management offers students the opportunity to acquire advanced and applied knowledge in a range of more specialised human resource areas, including staff planning, recruitment, selection and development, gender equity, employee motivation and performance management, remuneration management, superannuation, employment law, organisational change, workplace negotiation, international and cross-cultural human resource management, and occupational health and safety. These are issues of growing importance in the organisational strategies of businesses and public bodies alike. Effective labour management requires a solid understanding of the internal dynamics of business and public organisations, particularly organisational structure, power and authority systems, culture and conflict. Teaching is also concerned with how legislative, social and political contexts affect the way these policies are developed and operate in practice. Studying Human Resource Management at UNSW The study of Human Resource Management at UNSW is primarily through the School of Management. Please refer to the table below for a list of research programs available at UNSW.
Human Resource Management can be studied in the following Programs
Industrial Relations can be studied in the following Programs
Organisation and Management can be studied in the following Programs
Organisational Behaviour can be studied in the following Programs