Biomedical Engineering - 2795
Program Summary
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Contact: http://www.eng.unsw.edu.au
Campus: Sydney
Career: Research
Typical Duration: 1.5 Years
Typical UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC Per Semester: 12
Max UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC For Award: 96
Master of Science (Research)
Information valid for students commencing 2013.
Students who commenced prior to 2013 should go to the Handbook's Previous Editions
Program Description
Admission to this program is open only to engineering graduates who satisfy the entry requirements for a research degree.
These are research degrees in which a thesis embodies the result of an original investigation, or design, or engineering development. Candidates for the award of the degree of ME may be required to carry out a program of advanced study.
Admission guidelines: A candidate for registration for the degree of Master of Engineering or Master of Science should hold a Bachelor's degree usually at Honours level from the University of NSW or from another approved university. Applications for admission should be made to the Registrar on the prescribed form at least one calendar month before the commencement of the session in which registration is to begin.
Period of candidature: The normal period is 3 academic sessions (full-time) and 6 academic sessions (part-time) from the date of enrolment. In special cases the minimum period of registration may be reduced by up to two academic sessions. The maximum period of registration is 6 academic sessions (full-time) and 10 academic sessions (part-time). In special cases extensions may be granted.
Concurrent coursework: All new Masters research candidates in the Faculty of Engineering must complete and pass three courses as approved by the Head of School, normally in the first year of candidature.
Research in the school can be grouped in three broad areas - cell, tissue and organ engineering, biofluid and solid mechanics, and physiological monitoring and modelling.
For further information and details of individual academics areas of expertise, please see the
Biomedical Engineering website.
Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes
Program Structure
Academic Rules
Area(s) of Specialisation