Higher Education - 2359
Program Summary
Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Contact: mphilhe@unsw.edu.au
Campus: Sydney
Career: Research
Typical Duration: 1.5 Years
Typical UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC Per Semester: 12
Max UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC For Award: 72
Master of Philosophy (Research)
Information valid for students commencing 2013.
Students who commenced prior to 2013 should go to the Handbook's Previous Editions
Program Description
The program is intended for those working in higher education (including academic staff, casual lecturers and tutors and professional staff) who may be engaged in, or moving towards, leadership roles within the higher education sector.
Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes
At the end of the program of study candidates will be able to:
- Frame a research question and devise an appropriately designed research project;
- Critically review literature related to a higher education research project;
- Select appropriate qualitative and/or quantitative approaches to gather, analyse and interpret evidence;
- Investigate and interpret the outcomes of research;
- Present and disseminate cogent, research-based arguments, supported by valid evidence, that outline the implications of the research to higher education;
- Write in a scholarly way that is appropriate to publication in refereed higher education journals.
Entry Requirements
- hold a Bachelor degree in a relevant discipline typically at Honours level or equivalent; and
- be working in higher education with research experience; and
- either:
(b) have significant experience (at least 3 years) as an academic or professional staff member in higher education in academic, management and/or leadership roles, and evidence of scholarly development of their practice related to learning and/or teaching in higher education and research experience as shown through an academic portfolio or through a significant record of scholarly work and publication in Higher Education.
Program Structure
The thesis component will typically comprise an original piece of research of up to 40,000 words, which will be submitted as a thesis, or in the form of a series of publications (or manuscripts submitted to journals for publication), together with an Introduction and Summary/Concluding Remarks chapter.
The coursework component will comprise four courses selected from postgraduate coursework offerings in higher education and research methodology courses from within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Subject to the approval of the Faculty Higher Degree Committee, candidates may undertake interdisciplinary studies or be given permission to enrol in approved postgraduate courses from other tertiary institutions.
The structure is flexible but will typically comprise:
Semester 1
Core course 1: EDST5458 Researching Higher Education
Plus Research Thesis
Semester 2
Elective 1: selected from Research Methodology Courses
Plus Research Thesis
Semester 3
Core course2: EDST5463 Engaging the Educational Research Literature
Plus Research Thesis
Semester 4
Elective 2: selected from Research Methodology or other nominated courses within the post-graduate schedule of the School of Education or other Faculties as approved by the Program Authority
Plus Research Thesis
Semester 5
Semester 6
Research Thesis
Research Thesis
Semester 1
Core course 1: EDST5458 Researching Higher Education
Elective 1: selected from Research Methodology Courses
Plus Research Thesis
Semester 2
Core course 2: EDST5463 Engaging the Educational Research Literature
Elective 2: selected from Research Methodology or other nominated courses within the post-graduate schedule of the School of Education or other Faculties as approved by the Program Authority
Plus Research Thesis
Semester 3
Research Thesis
Core courses
- EDST5458 Researching HE (Researching Higher Education UOC)
- EDST5463 Engaging Ed Research Lit (Engaging the Educational Research Literature UOC)
Select two elective courses from research methodology courses or higher education courses.
Note: Students must complete one course in Research Methodology (EDST5120 is highly recommended) and one other course in Research Methodology or Higher Education.
Academic Rules
Articulation Entry
(i) satisfactory annual progress review and confirmation of candidature in accordance with UNSW Procedures for Review of Higher Degree Research Candidatures; and
(ii) satisfactory completion of the coursework component.
Area(s) of Specialisation