
Accounting - ACCTAR1521

Stream Summary

Faculty: Australian School of Business

School: School of Accounting


Program: 1521 - Accounting


Doctor of Philosophy (Research)

Information valid for students commencing 2013.
Students who commenced prior to 2013 should go to the Handbook's Previous Editions

Stream Outline

This is a default stream record. All information for this stream is contained in the program record.

Please use the back button on your browser or, alternatively, search via program code (the last four digits of this stream number) using QuickFind on the left-hand side of this page.

Stream Structure

Please see above.

Further Information

Prospective students are strongly advised to make contact with the Australian School of Business Research Office to establish a potential supervisor before applying for research study at the University.

Please refer to the following web-page for further information on how to apply, scholarships, English language requirements, thesis preparation and other research related matters:

Study Levels

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