
Public Health (Extn) - 9046

Program Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Medicine

Contact: School of Public Health and Community Medicine

Campus: Sydney

Career: Postgraduate

Typical Duration: 1.5 Years

Typical UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC Per Semester: 4

Max UOC Per Semester: 27

Min UOC For Award: 72


Master of Public Health (Extension)

View program information for previous years

Program Description

The Master Public Health (MPH) program is widely recognised as essential for a career in population health, including health promotion, primary health care, policy formulation, research, and management of health programs. The MPH (Extension) program extends students’ knowledge and skills in public health research by allows candidates to undertake an advanced research project. Many of our graduates occupy key positions in health services and universities in Australia, and the Western Pacific and Asian regions, or undertake a PhD in Public Health as the first step in developing a career in public health research.

Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes

The UNSW Master of Public Health (Extension) program provides students with advanced disciplinary knowledge and skills to undertake population health roles in government, community and health service settings in Australia and internationally. The program fosters sophisticated understanding and application across the complex body of multidisciplinary knowledge of public health including epidemiology, biostatistics, social determinants of health, health promotion, population targeted health research methods, and health program design, implementation and evaluation. Graduates are equipped with the specialised skills needed for research and professional practice in public health across a range of contexts including ministries and departments of health; government, non-government and voluntary organisations; primary care and community healthcare services in the public and private sectors, and in academic institutions.

Program Structure

The program consists of the following components, for a total of 9 courses and 1 major project comprising 72 units of credit (UOC).
  • Core courses - 3 courses (18 UOC)
  • Elective courses - 5 courses (30 UOC)
  • Extension – 1 course (6 UOC) and
  • 1 project (18 UOC).
Core (18 UOC)
Electives (30 UoC)

Students choose 5 elective courses (30 UOC) from the elective offerings for the Master of Public Health program.

Students may also apply to the Program Director to be allowed to replace up to 12 UOC of course electives with a 6 UOC research project (PHCM9148), 6 UOC Independent Study (PHCM9103) or 6 UOC Internship (PHCM9143):
Both the core and elective course requirements of program must be completed with an average mark of 65% or more before the final 24 UOC of Extension coursework and research can be undertaken. The 18 UOC project may be completed in a range of locations with the involvement of approved local and UNSW academic supervisors and approval of the Program Director.

Extension (24 UOC)

18 UOC major project in public health (PHCM9150 or PHCM9151 and PHCM9152) – to be negotiated with an academic supervisor.
Plus 6 units of credit of electives from the elective offerings for the Master of Public Health program – to be determined in consultation with the academic supervisor of the project.

Additional course requirement

Students from non-English speaking countries who have not previously completed a degree in Australia or other English-speaking country and are enrolled in the full time program in Sydney (Kensington campus) are required to take the following additional preparatory course in their first semester. This course is available for all students to assist to gain maximum benefit from their study. The course is made available at no charge to students and does not contribute to the UOC requirements of the degree.

Academic Rules

Please refer to the Program Structure above and contact the School of Public Health and Community Medicine for further information.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:

Admission Requirements

Candidates wishing to undertake the MPH(Extn) must achieve a minimum Credit average in the coursework component and provide an acceptable research proposal. Successful completion of the MPH(Extn) is a part requirement for entry to the PhD program.

Further Information

Related Program(s)

9045 Public Health
5507 Public Health
7368 Public Health

Area(s) of Specialisation