
Statistics - 8750

Program Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Science


Campus: Kensington Campus

Career: Postgraduate

Typical Duration: 1.5 Years

Typical UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC Per Semester: 3

Max UOC Per Semester: 27

Min UOC For Award: 72


Master of Statistics

Information valid for students commencing 2013.
Students who commenced prior to 2013 should go to the Handbook's Previous Editions

Program Description

The program is intended for students who have completed a Mathematics or Statistics degree in a Science and/or Mathematics program, or a degree in a related area, and who wish to further their knowledge of statistics. The Master of Statistics program is the longest running program of its kind in Australia. It covers a wide range of statistical theory and practice and provides advanced training for those who are currently or are aiming to become, practicing statisticians.

Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes

Please contact the School of Mathematics and Statistics for information.

Program Structure

The program consists of ten lecture courses worth 6 units of credit (UOC) each, and a supervised project worth 12 UOC. The project is compulsory and students are typically enrolled in their third semester of study and is subject to academic performance. Students seeking to enrol in a project are required to have the approval of the Head of School and normally will be required to have attained a WAM of 65 or higher in the first eight (8) master courses.

Students should also seek the guidance from the School at an early stage of study to ensure that the study stream being followed is best suited to lead to the project.

In addition, admission to a particular project is subject to appropriate research and supervision resources being available.

Students who do not attain a WAM of 65 or higher in the first eight (8) courses of their program will be awarded the Graduate Diploma in Mathematics and Statistics (5659).

Of the ten courses, there are also two compulsory courses in this program:
Students may choose the remaining 8 courses from a wide variety of courses within the School of Mathematics and Statistics, or elsewhere within the university.

The total number of UOC required for the program is 72.

The project will be supervised by an academic staff member of the School in an area agreed to by the student and supervisor. The project could include a literature survey and a critical analysis of the topic area; or could be a small research project.

Each candidate's proposed program of study requires the approval of the Head of the School or Nominee.

A list of courses to be offered in each year are listed on the School of Mathematics and Statistics website.

Academic Rules

Please refer to the School of Mathematics and Statistics website School of Mathematics and Statistics.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:

Entry Requirements

To gain entry to this program, students must have:
  1. completed a Mathematics or Statistics major within a Science and/or Mathematics program, or a degree in a related area;
  2. sufficient mathematical/statistical background, and an average above 65 in therelevant level III courses; and
  3. shown some evidence of the ability to undertake independent study.
A formal application must be made by applying on-line.

Honours graduates in Statistics may be exempted from a maximum of one third of the courses and could complete the degree with one year of full time study.

In addition, students must have permission of the Head of School or Nominee. Prospective international students should note that this program has English language requirements.

Exit Provision

Students enrolled in this program will be permitted to exit with a Graduate Diploma in Mathematics and Statistics or Graduate Certificate in Mathematics and Statistics subject to completing program requirements.

Area(s) of Specialisation