Sports Medicine - 9055

This Program is no longer accepting new enrolments

Program Summary

Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Postgraduate
Typical Duration: 1.3 Years
Typical UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC Per Semester: 3
Max UOC Per Semester: 27
Min UOC For Award: 72
Master of Sports Medicine (Specialisation)

Program Description

The program aims to equip medical practitioners with a rigorous understanding of the theory and practice of sports medicine to meet the needs of people engaged in individual or team-related sporting activities through primary, secondary or tertiary prevention of disease processes.

The degree of Master of Sports Medicine will be awarded after the satisfactory completion of 72 units of credit and a final clinical examination. The 72 UOC consist of 54 UOC from coursework; 12 UOC from the completion of a compulsory research project and 6 UOC from attendance at two four-day practicum courses. For overseas students special arrangements can be made for the practicum component. The Sports Medicine programs are taught through the UNSW Sports Medicine Unit in distance education mode only. Apart from the practicum, there is no on-campus component. Subjects can be taken in any order although the course authority recommends a certain sequence.

Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes

Please contact the Department of Sports Medicine for information.

Program Structure

Core Courses:
Students must select a further 30 UOC from the following electives:
The program articulates with the Graduate Diploma in Sports Medicine 5503 and the Graduate Certificate in Sports Medicine 7378. Candidates initially enrol in the GradCert or GradDip. To progress to the MSpMed candidates must achieve at least a Credit average after 24 units of credit in the GradDip. Credit for courses completed as part of the GradDip and the GradCert may be transferred to the Master’s program, in accordance with the UNSW policy on credit transfer.

Academic Rules

Please refer to the Program Structure above and contact the Department of Sports Medicine for further information.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:

Area(s) of Specialisation