Surveying & Spatial Info Sys - 8651

This Program is no longer accepting new enrolments

Program Summary

Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Postgraduate
Typical Duration: 1 Years
Typical UOC Per Session: 24
Min UOC Per Session: 
Max UOC Per Session: 
Min UOC For Award: 48
Master of Engineering Science (Major)
Master of Engineering Science (Specialisation)

Program Description

This program is not available to commencing students. Details below are provided for the reference of continuing students only.
Prospective students should refer instead to the new program, Master of Engineering Science - 8538.

Programs of study leading to the degree of MEngSc are offered by the School of Surveying and Spatial Information Systems in a range of topics including:
  • advanced surveying
  • geodesy
  • GPS/GNSS technology
  • image analysis
  • geographic information systems
  • remote sensing
Candidates are allowed a wide choice in selecting courses. These can be selected to suit individual student needs and typical course structures can be supplied by the School on request. The program of study must total at least 48 units of credit (UOC). About 2 UOC are normally equal to attendance for one hour per week for one session. Some senior undergraduate courses may be taken for partial credit towards the degree. Postgraduate courses in Surveying and Spatial Information Systems are only run if there are sufficient enrolment numbers. The School should be contacted directly for information on which courses are running.

Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes

Please contact the School of Surveying & Spatial Information Systems or the Faculty of Engineering for information on the Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes.

Program Structure

Candidates are required to complete a program totalling at least 48 UOC.

Additional courses can be selected from those offered by the Schools of Computer Science and Engineering; Civil & Environmental Engineering; Biological,Earth and Environmental Sciences; and School of Information Systems, Technology and Management. Credit can also be gained from attendance at approved industry short courses.

Academic Rules

Please refer to the Program Structure above and contact the School Office for further information.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:

Area(s) of Specialisation