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Statistics - 7659 |
Program Summary
This Graduate Certificate is intended for graduates with a degree in an area with a significant quantitative component (such as Science, Engineering, Finance) wishing to develop their knowledge and skills in Statistical science.
In particular, it provides an opportunity for advanced training in the use of professional statistical packages including SAS, SPLUS and R, Data Mining and applications of Statistics in Business and Bio-medical Research. Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes (a) Understand the key concepts and methodologies of Statistics and related mathematical techniques,
(b) Apply the principles of Statistics to design experiments and build statistical models, (c) Use statistical packages such as SPLUS and SAS to perform exploratory data analysis, visualize the data and test statistical models, (d) Learn basic techniques of Data Mining, (e) Apply the knowledge and skill acquired to real life problems arising in Business, Medical Research and Engineering. Entry to the Program is available in Session 1 only and consists of four 6 UOC courses as listed below - two core courses, and two elective courses from the MStats program (excluding MATH5925 and MATH5935).
Each course comprises two hours of lectures and one hour of flexible tutorial per week. Core courses Note: MATH5846 is offered during the first 7 weeks of the session with double weekly workload and MATH5856 is offered in the same format in the second half of the session.
Elective courses (select two)
Note: Not all elective courses are offered every year.
Admission Requirements
EITHER a 3-year undergraduate degree equivalent to a standard Australian Bachelor’s degree in a discipline with significant quantitative component, OR a 3-year undergraduate degree equivalent to a standard Australian Bachelor’s degree in any discipline and with substantial experience in application of statistical methods. The Program Authority may approve transfer of credit for students who wish to downgrade from MATH5659 or MATH8750. Exemption may be approved by a program authority for a course already completed as a part of another award at UNSW or another tertiary institution. Articulation Rules Students may choose not to graduate from the Graduate Certificate in Statistics and instead apply to upgrade to either the Graduate Diploma in Statistics or Master of Statistics provided their average grade in the two compulsory courses is at least 65%. Students who initially satisfied the criteria for the Master of Statistics Program but enrolled into the Graduate Certificate in Statistics may transfer to either the Graduate Diploma in Statistics or Master of Statistics program after Week 7 provided their final mark in MATH5846 is at least 65%. For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website: https://my.unsw.edu.au/student/fees/FeesMainPage.html