
Asset & Facilities Management - RESTCS8127

Stream Summary

Faculty: BLTEN - Faculty of Built Environment

School: Built Environment

Contact: Built Environment

Program: 8127 - Property and Development


Master of Property and Development (Specialisation)

View stream information for previous years

Stream Outline

To qualify for the Master of Property and Development program with a specialisation in Asset and Facilities Management, students will be required to complete a program of study totaling 72 UoC as adjusted by advanced standing provisions. Since most courses are of 6 UoC, students must usually complete 12 courses. Each course involves about 120 hours of work on the part of a student.

Stream Structure

Core Courses:

Extended Core Courses:
To enable students to graduate with the Asset and Facility Management specialisation they must complete the courses indicated below:

Elective Courses:
Students are required to complete 18 UoC of electives. Electives can be selected from any UNSW postgraduate program subject to the Program Director’s approval.

Students may take a 12 UoC research project in place of 12 UoC of electives subject to Program Director's approval.
Scientia at night

Study Levels

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