
Geoinformation Technology - GMATGS7338

Stream Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering

School: School of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Program: 7338 - Engineering Science


Graduate Certificate in Engineering Science (Specialisation)

View stream information for previous years

Stream Outline

Specialisation Description:
The specialisation in Geoinformation Technology is offered by the School of Surveying and Geospatial Engineering in a range of topics in the area of geoinformation technology, including:
  1. Advanced surveying
  2. Geodesy and Geopositioning
  3. GPS/GNSS technology
  4. Image analysis
  5. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  6. Remote sensing

Stream Structure

Professional Development Courses:
In addition to the courses below, students need to choose at least 6UOC course from the list of specialisation and/or Faculty-based courses upon approval of the postgraduate coordinator, based on individual background, skills and knowledge they need to acquire.

Specialisation Courses:
Please note: The following courses are compulsory:
GEOS9016, GEOS9021, GMAT9205, GMAT9600

Study Levels

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