
Transportation Engineering - CVENBT5341

Stream Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering

School: School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Contact: School

Program: 5341 - Engineering Science


Graduate Diploma in Engineering Science (Specialisation)

View stream information for previous years

Stream Outline

This stream belongs to the proposed 1 year (48UOC) Graduate Diploma of Engineering Science program (program code 5341). The new stream proposal is to ensure alignment of the transport engineering postgraduate program with the UNSW Structure of Postgraduate Programs Policy and Procedures.


In order to be admitted to the program a student may either hold a 4-year Bachelor of Engineering with at least Honours II/2 (or equivalent) in a relevant discipline or an equivalent qualification from a recognised university or tertiary institution, or a 3- or 4-year Bachelor of Engineering or Science in a relevant discipline (or equivalent) plus at least 3 years of relevant professional experience (exact positions and roles that will be considered relevant to be decided by each specialisation).

Why do a postgraduate course work program?

Whether you choose to undertake a Postgraduate Coursework program straight after your undergraduate studies, a few years into your career or as part of continuous professional development, it will help you to:
  • Excel in your field: by extending your knowledge with highly specialised training
  • Further develop key transferable skills: such as research and analysis, problem-solving, teamwork, management and communication
  • Expand your options: by complementing existing knowledge or retraining to open new career opportunities.

Stream Structure

Students must choose 48 UOC (8 courses) from the Disciplinary Knowledge, Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge, Research-related, Engineering and Technical Management (ETM) and Elective course lists below, with a maximum of 12 UOC of Elective courses.

Please note that the availability of the courses may vary from semester to semester and courses may be offered in alternate years.

Disciplinary Knowledge Courses

Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Courses

Research-related Courses
Electives - maximum 12 UOC

Students may choose electives from a list of approved courses provided by the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Prerequisite requirements for Level 4 Disciplinary Knowledge courses and Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge courses must be met. Up to 12 UOC of foundation courses (Level 3) may be approved by the Program Authority.

Engineering & Technical Management Courses:
In addition, students may select any ETM elective in the consolidated Faculty list with approval.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

A student may apply to the Program or Stream Authority for advanced standing or exemption as per the UNSW RPL Policy and Procedures. Program or Stream Authorities may grant up to 24UOC of advanced standing or exemption if they consider the student has prior learning (formal, informal or non-formal) where it can be demonstrated that the student has achieved equivalent learning outcomes to the particular course(s). Application for advanced standing or exemption would require substantiating evidence including documents such as academic records, continuing professional education, professional registration and statements of service from the employer.