
Ground Control - MINEGS5040

Stream Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering

School: School of Mining Engineering


Program: 5040 - Mining Engineering


Graduate Diploma (Specialisation)

View stream information for previous years

Stream Outline

The Graduate Diploma in Ground Control is offered as a specialist postgraduate coursework qualification for people who currently, or plan in the future to, work within the underground hard rock mining industry with particular responsibilities in the field of ground control. The program has been designed to cater for people with different backgrounds, including either engineering or scientific tertiary qualifications and/or relevant experience. The program may be undertaken on either a part-time or full-time basis.

The overall program content provides an initial grounding in fundamental principles of geomechanics and geotechnical engineering, followed by a comprehensive coverage of practical ground control applications, from the point of view of both the technologies involved, together with their implementation and management. The learning outcomes of this program will therefore provide a student with both the fundamental and practical knowledge base to be able to fulfil the role of a Ground Control professional at a mine site.

The program is particularly designed for people working at mine sites, or those who have access to a mine site for practical assignments. The course is offered in a flexible delivery format, with a large component available in a distance format, plus a limited number of face-to-face workshops/sessions. Assessments will include a number of practical, site-based assignments, including group and interactive work and presentations.

The program requires successful completion of three core courses, plus three elective courses - selection of which must be approved by the Program Authority.

It is envisaged that a student would normally complete the program in three sessions (18 months).

Timetable/Calendar link

Stream Structure

The program consists of 6 courses, each of 6 Units of Credit (UOC), (which should equate to a total student effort of approx. 150 hours per course) to satisfy the program requirement of 36 UOC.

Of the six courses, three will be compulsory core, and three elective out of a list of options which will expand in the future.

The three core courses will be:
These courses should be completed prior to commencing any of the elective courses.

Three electives can be chosen from:
  • A civil engineering geotechnical course(s) may also be accepted as electives in this course, subject to approval at the time of enrolment.
  • A maximum of one non-geotechnical MINE course may be taken as an elective, subject to approval at the time of enrolment. For example, this may include either MINE8120: Hazard ID, Risk and Safety Management; or MINE8110: Mining Processes and Systems (but not both).
  • From the above list of electives, MINE8660 is a recommended elective.
Some of the above courses run as block courses in face-to-face mode at UNSW, others are offered exclusively by distance; and some are offered in both modes.

Study Levels

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