Finance - FINSCS8417
Stream Summary
Faculty: COMM - Australian School of Business
School: School of Banking and Finance
Contact: Australian School of Business Student Centre
Program: 8417 - Commerce (Extension)
Master of Commerce (Extension) (Specialisation)
Stream Outline
Would you like to delve deeper into the complexities of modern financial institutions, and learn the technical tools need to make decisions in financial and capital markets? This Master of Commerce specialisation focuses on how investment financing decisions are made, and how risk-hedging strategies can minimise the damaging effects of adverse movements in variables such as share prices, interest rates, and exchange rates.
Stream Structure
Master of Commerce (MCom) students must complete:
- 2 MCom core courses
- 3 Gateway courses - made up of designated specialist core course/s depending on the specialisation chosen
- 6 Specialisation courses
- 1 Capstone course
Master of Commerce (Extension) students must complete:
- 2 MCom core courses
- 3 Gateway courses - made up of designated specialist core course/s depending on the specialisation chosen
- 6 Specialisation courses
- 4 Sub-specialisation courses
- 1 Capstone course
Compulsory Core course:
One Data Analysis core course:
CREDIT TRANSFERS, (including the Data Analysis course), may be awarded for courses (maximum 24 UOC) based on a your prior knowledge and previous studies.
These credits will be assessed upon application and you will be notified (in the offer letter) of the credit/s awarded.
These credits will be assessed upon application and you will be notified (in the offer letter) of the credit/s awarded.
Three Compulsory Gateway courses:
Two Required Specialisation courses:
Four Elective Specialisation courses from the following:
- FINS5510 Per. Fin. Plan. & Mgmt (6 UOC)
- FINS5516 Int'l Corporate Finance (6 UOC)
- FINS5517 Applied Portfolio Mgt. & Model (6 UOC)
- FINS5522 Emerging Fin Markets (6 UOC)
- FINS5523 Alternative Asset Classes (6 UOC)
- FINS5526 Inter. Corp. Governance (6 UOC)
- FINS5530 Financial Institution Mgmt (6 UOC)
- FINS5531 Risk and Insurance (6 UOC)
- FINS5533 Real Estate Finance&Investment (6 UOC)
- FINS5534 Credit Risk and Loan Policy (6 UOC)
- FINS5535 Derivatives & Risk Mgt. Techs. (6 UOC)
- FINS5536 Fixed Income Sec. & Int. Rate (6 UOC)
- FINS5537 Fin Plan Advice & Ethics (6 UOC)
- FINS5538 Takeovers, Restruct & Corp Gov (6 UOC)
- FINS5541 Adv Invest & Adv Funds Mgt (6 UOC)
- FINS5542 Applied Funds Management (6 UOC)
- FINS5550 Intl. Banking Management (6 UOC)
- FINS5555 Behavioural Approach Finance (6 UOC)
- FINS5566 Trading - Financial Securities (6 UOC)
One Capstone course
Capstone course:
Capstone course:
Designed to provide a “cohort” experience in a work-relevant context for all specialisations in the general area of Accounting/Banking/Finance/Economics.
Note: Students may find the following suggestions helpful in choosing electives:
Recommended Elective courses for a career in investment banking:
Note: Students may find the following suggestions helpful in choosing electives:
Recommended Elective courses for a career in investment banking:
Recommended Elective courses for a career in funds management:
Recommended Elective courses for a career in personal financial advice:
Note: the following courses are required for ASIC RG146 Tier 1 compliance:
• FINS5510 Per. Fin. Plan. & Mgmt and
• FINS5537 Fin Plan Advice & Ethics
• FINS5510 Per. Fin. Plan. & Mgmt and
• FINS5537 Fin Plan Advice & Ethics
See the information provided below on Professional Accreditation.
If you choose to study the Master of Commerce (Extension) program 8417, you have the option to choose 4 courses (to provide you with depth of learning) from the following Sub- specialisations:
- Accounting
- Finance
- Marketing
- Information Systems
- Business Law
- Taxation
- *General Option
* The General Option sub-specialisation allows you to choose two courses from the MCom and optional two courses outside of the MCom (other programs within ASB) or courses from other Faculties(with permission).
It is recommended students contact the ASB Student Centre for guidance on options available to increase depth of learning.
It is recommended students contact the ASB Student Centre for guidance on options available to increase depth of learning.
Professional Accreditation
MCom (Finance) students who have completed FINS5512, FINS5513, FINS5510 and FINS5537 can claim Tier 1 compliance towards the Australian Securities and Investment Commission Regulatory Guideline 146 in which the education standards of a financial product advisor are specified. Students are encouraged to visit for more details.
Business graduates may be eligible for associate membership with The Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA)
Business graduates may be eligible for associate membership with The Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA)
Further Information
Please note that these requirements may be subject to change.
Students are advised to follow requirements according to the year they commenced. Please refer to previous editions of the Online Handbook for your program requirements.
Contact the Australian School of Business Student Centre for advice.
tel: + 61 2 9385 3189
location: Level 1, room 1028, Quadrangle Building
Forms, policies and procedures
Frequently asked questions
Students are advised to follow requirements according to the year they commenced. Please refer to previous editions of the Online Handbook for your program requirements.
Contact the Australian School of Business Student Centre for advice.
tel: + 61 2 9385 3189
location: Level 1, room 1028, Quadrangle Building
Forms, policies and procedures
Frequently asked questions