Artificial Intelligence - COMPAS8543
Stream Summary
Faculty: ENG - Faculty of Engineering
School: School of Computer Science and Engineering
Contact: http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au
Program: 8543 - Information Technology
Master of Information Technology (Specialisation)
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Stream Outline
As autonomous devices become more common, potential employers include companies that can make ready use of automation. This includes companies concerned with home and office automation, entertainment companies and autonomous systems research and development. Autonomous systems and the sophisticated sensors they employ are also adopted in many industries to enhance production and to improve safety (e.g. mining, manufacturing, transport).
The Artificial Intelligence stream in the Graduate Diploma and Master of Information Technology programs focuses on the development of sophisticated software for mobile robot control. Several aspects of software are considered:
- artificial intelligence;
- agent programming;
- experimental robotics;
- knowledge representation and reasoning;
- machine learning;
- robot architectures;
- human-computer interaction;
- vision.
Stream Structure
- COMP4411 Experimental Robotics (6 UOC)
- COMP4418 Knowledge Representation (6 UOC)
- COMP9318 Data Warehousing & Data Mining (6 UOC)
- COMP9417 Machine Learning & Data Mining (6 UOC)
- COMP9444 Neural Networks (6 UOC)
- COMP9517 Computer Vision (6 UOC)