
Geoinformation Technology - GMATGS8539

Stream Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering

School: School of Surveying & Geospatial Engineering


Program: 8539 - Engineering Science (Ext)


Master of Engineering Science (Extension) (Specialisation)

Information valid for students commencing 2013.
Students who commenced prior to 2013 should go to the Handbook's Previous Editions

Stream Outline

Specialisation Description:
The specialisation in Geoinformation Technology is offered by the School of Surveying and Geospatial Engineering in a range of topics in the area of geoinformation technology, including:
  1. Advanced surveying
  2. Geodesy and Geopositioning
  3. GPS/GNSS technology
  4. Image analysis
  5. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  6. Remote sensing

Stream Structure

Professional Development Courses - 24uoc (4 courses)

In addition to the courses below, students need to choose at least 6UOC course from the list of specialisation and/or Faculty-based courses upon approval of the postgraduate coordinator, based on individual background, skills and knowledge they need to acquire.

Specialisation Courses - Minimum 24uoc (4 courses):
Please note: The following courses are compulsory:
GEOS9016, GEOS9021, GMAT9205, GMAT9600

Engineering Technical Management - Minimum 12uoc - Maximum 24uoc (2-4 courses)
A listing of Engineering Technical Management courses can be found here

Study Levels

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