Leading Change for Sustainability - COMM5205
Leading Change for Sustainability is a course designed for a new breed of change agents: social entrepreneurs, social intrapreneurs and future leaders who are passionate about creating positive social and environmental change. Social entrepreneurs are often defined as leaders who use business processes - including technological innovation, entrepreneurial skills and market distributive mechanisms - to address unmet social needs and create positive social outcomes. Social intrapreneurs are individuals who pursue social or environmental objectives from within a company. Building on the knowledge and skills developed in MGMT5710 Managing and Leading People, this course aims to equip social entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs more specifically with the skills for leading positive social change, which include leadership, mindfulness and creativity, communication, and conflict resolution so that they might successfully influence key decision-makers, build networks and make their ideas a reality. Students will also be taught an awareness of change processes and an understanding of ethics and human rights to lead sustainable change, locally and globally. The course will use in-depth case studies and examine complex aspects of sustainability leadership faced by leaders from business, government and civil society.