Australian Climate Law - JURD7466 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Description This course examines the Australian legal regime relating to global climate change. The course begins with an overview of the scientific, economic, equity and international contexts of Australian climate law and then proceeds to a detailed examination of the Australian legal framework, including Commonwealth and State policy and legislation relating to emissions trading, carbon markets and carbon sequestration. The course also examines the substance and process of climate change litigation in Australia, as well as local government and planning issues, and the legal implications of climate change for businesses, including corporate reporting, directors’ duties, and management of risk. The course will include some comparative analysis of climate law in other national jurisdictions.
Recommended Prior Knowledge None
Course Objectives A candidate who has successfully completed this course should be able to:
Main Topics
Assessment Class participation 10%
Class presentation and abstract 15% Research essay (6000 words) 75% Course Texts Prescribed David Hodgkinson and Renee Garner, Global Climate Change: Australian Law and Policy (LexisNexis, 2008) (subject to change)
There are a large number of new and proposed books on the market. A full up-to date reading list will be provided in the detailed course outline.
Resources Refer to the course outline which will be provided by the lecturer at the beginning of the relevant semester.