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Campus: Kensington Campus
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Career: Postgraduate
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Units of Credit: 6
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Contact Hours per Week: 3
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Enrolment Requirements:
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Excluded: TELE4333
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Principles of signal time discretisation, amplitude quantisation, A/D and D/A conversion. Matched filter receiver, principles of single symbol digital signal detection and probability of bit/symbol error. Intersymbol interference (ISI), Nyquist criteria for ISI free transmission. Equalization, linear equalizar, decision feedback equalizer. Adaptive equalization, LMS algorithm (RLS adaptive algorithm - optional). Khinchin's geometrical representation of digital signals. Communication system as a signal vector space. Application of Gram-Schmidt ortogonalization procedure in telecommunications. Modulation schemes BPSK, FSK, QPSK, MSK. Probability of bit error and spectral properties of mentioned modulations. (CDMA and spread spectrum principle - optional). Principles of Information Theory. Entropy, source coding, Shannon channel capacity for discrete and continuous channels. Channel coding theory; Block, cyclic and convolutional codes; Viterbi decoding; Trellis coded modulation. Principles of soft-input soft-output decoding algorithms, turbo codes.