Exploring and Managing Ethical and Moral Dilemmas - PHCM9307 |
Description This course guides the learner through the major ethical principles affecting clinical choices using a large array of contemporary clinical issues. The course is based on posing questions and search for answers. Ethicists differ in the way they search for answers. Not all believe that there is one truth to find. Many believe that the 'truth' depends on the context, or situation, or on the relative importance of opposing values. This course attempts to hear 'many voices' not only from ethicists and clinicians but from law, religion, administration and lay media. Ethicists themselves range across a spectrum from "You should...." (duty based deontologists) to "It depends...." (situationists). The courses aims to bring out that range. Assignments rely on students' consultations and clinical education experiences to explore ethical principles and their implications in the clinical setting.
Note: External Course. Further Information