A Message from the Dean

Faculty of Science

We live in amazing times. Science and technology have extended the reach of our senses way beyond the edge of the map of human experience. We can now hear a single electron change orbit inside an atom. We can see into the outer reaches of the universe; feel movements deep inside the Earth's crust; reach back far into the ancient past; and eavesdrop on events inside a living cell. And we can meet and interact with other people in virtual communities that exist in virtual worlds.

When you study science with us at UNSW, you will be at the leading edge of this exciting revolution. You will learn how to learn, how to follow your curiosity about the world and the way it ticks, and you will acquire a tool-kit of knowledge and skills to equip you to step out into what we hope will be a lifetime of satisfying work.

This section of the Online Handbook covers the courses and programs available for study in science and provides a framework of the rules and regulations. Staff in the schools of the Faculty and the Science Student Centre are available to help you with administrative matters, course selection and career directions, and with any difficulties you may encounter in your studies.

We encourage you to explore the full diversity of opportunities on offer, to specialise on the one hand and yet gain an appreciation of scholarship in other areas. It is important that you learn to think creatively and critically, and to work with others in order to resolve complex problems.

We wish you every success at UNSW. We hope that the time that you spend with us, as valued members of our community, will be happy, stimulating and productive and that in future years you will look back on "the UNSW experience" as one which set you on the path to fulfilling your career and lifestyle aspirations.

We believe that tomorrow's leaders will be drawn more and more from the ranks of science. We invite you to join us and let us help to make sense of this amazing world and prepare you to play your important part in a future that promises to be more amazing still.

Professor Merlin Crossley
Faculty of Science

Undergraduate Information

Postgraduate Information