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Summary of Programs

For Undergraduate Students

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Program Titles and Codes

Program code: 4620
Program title: Bachelor of Taxation
Qualification Abbreviation: BTax

Program code: 7280
Program title: Associate Diploma in Taxation
Qualification Abreviation: AssocDipTax

Program code: 6065
Program title: Undergraduate Non-Award Course (Single Course Study)

Program code: 6028
Program title: Undergraduate Cross-Institutional Course

Program code: 6255
Program title: Undergraduate Non-Award Course (Single Course Study) - ATO Sponsored

Program code: 6257
Program title: Undergraduate Cross-Institutional Course - ATO Sponsored

Course Unit Values

Except for some General Education courses offered by other UNSW groups and courses that count towards a Law Masters, all courses offered through Atax programs are 6 units of credit. Course descriptions for courses offered in 2007 can be found in the Online Handbook at

Undergraduate Information

Home | A Message from the Dean
School of Law - Faculty Information and Assistance | Summary of Programs
Australian School of Taxation - Faculty Information and Assistance | Summary of Programs

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© The University of New South Wales (CRICOS Provider No.: 00098G), 2004-2011. The information contained in this Handbook is indicative only. While every effort is made to keep this information up-to-date, the University reserves the right to discontinue or vary arrangements, programs and courses at any time without notice and at its discretion. While the University will try to avoid or minimise any inconvenience, changes may also be made to programs, courses and staff after enrolment. The University may also set limits on the number of students in a course.