Naval Architecture - NAVLA13710

Plan Summary

Faculty: ENG - Faculty of Engineering
Program: 3710 - Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng
Bachelor of Engineering (Major)

Plan Outline

This plan is for a major in Naval Architecture within the program 3710.

Naval Architecture is the branch of engineering, which is concerned with the design, building, and utilisation of all types of ships and marine vehicles.

Naval architects must be conversant with a wide variety of skills, including most forms of engineering and architecture. This is because a ship or a boat must be a completely self-sufficient vehicle containing a number of systems and able to withstand the loads from the sea. Yachts, fishing boats, frigates, ferries, catamarans and pleasure craft are just a few of the types of vessels that are studied during the program.

The Faculty has approved an arrangement whereby students who satisfy the requirements of the first two years of a Mechanical Engineering four year degree program at any Australasian tertiary institution may be admitted to Years 3 and 4 of the program leading to the Bachelor of Engineering degree in Naval Architecture. The proviso is that the Head of the School is satisfied that the courses studied at the other institution are equivalent, and he gives his recommendation.

Plan Structure

Year 1
Choose ONE of:
And ONE of:
And ONE of:
Plus these following 3 courses:
Plus choose 2 electives from the Year 1 Elective List

Suggested Year 1 electives for this program are:
  1. ENGG1811 is recommended for the NAVL Plan but COMP1911 is an acceptable alternative.
  2. MINE1300 and CVEN1300 are acceptable alternatives for MMAN1300
  3. Not all courses are offered in both sessions but students should complete 24 UOC in each session.

Year 2 of all Plans
  • General Education (6 UOC)

Year 3
  • General Education Elective (6 UOC)

Year 4
  • Plus 2 Professional Electives 6 UOC each (Total 12 UOC)
Professional Electives

12 units of credit of Professional Elective courses are required. They may be selected from the professional elective list of courses of the School or from Years 3 and 4 courses from other plans run by the School. Prerequisite and corequisite requirements must be satisfied.

Professional electives are shown on the Mechanical Engineering website.

Approval is required for the selection of any course from outside the School.

Not all professional electives will always be on offer. Students are advised in May and November which professional electives will be offered in the following semester.

Recommended professional electives for Plan NAVLA13710 are:
The Professional Elective Lists shown on the School website will be expanded to include the following: