Women's and Gender Studies


Women's and Gender Studies is concerned with feminist scholarship and the issues and debates surrounding sexuality and gender. It is an interdisciplinary field of inquiry that seeks to understand and articulate how gender makes a difference - in the lives and experiences of women, as well as men; in the practices and institutions of human societies; and in the cultural products of societies, such as art and literature.

Emphasising the importance of historical and cross-cultural perspectives, Women's and Gender Studies critically examines the intersections of gender, class, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age and ability to make visible structures of power that otherwise remain hidden.

Studying Women's and Gender Studies at UNSW

The study of Women's and Gender Studies at UNSW is through the School of Humanities and Languages. Please refer to the table below.

Women's and Gender Studies can be studied in the following Programs 

Program Code & Name Stream Type Stream
2353 Arts Research WOMSAR2353

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 Artist - Linda Ault - Potrait of a Mother

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