

History is an attempt to understand our world, through recording our past as accurately as possible and analysing the reasons for the changing nature of human experience. Courses are mainly concerned with aspects of modern history and related to periods and themes in Australian, Asian, European, Middle Eastern and American history. Ancient History and Medieval History are also taught. There are also History courses in which the theory and writing of History is itself examined.

Studying History helps develop a range of skills, in research, interpretation and evaluation of evidence, writing and argument. It helps to foster the ability to organise and analyse a large body of information, and to develop the capacity to communicate clearly and interestingly, in writing and through the spoken word. Graduates use the information and skills acquired while studying History in a wide range of occupations, both in the public service and in private enterprise, as well as in teaching and journalism.

Studying History at UNSW

The study of History at UNSW is primarily through the School of Humanities and Languages. Please refer to the table below.

History can be studied in the following Programs 

Program Code & Name Stream Type Stream
2353 Arts Research HISTAR2353

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