Public Relations and Advertising


Public relations
Public relations is a communicative and relational process of building meaningful, mutually beneficial relationships between organizations, markets, audiences and publics. Our courses introduce students to current public relations concepts and practices for strategically communicating information, introducing change and resolving conflict within a variety of organizational, government and community contexts, discourses and media platforms.

Advertising is a creative, persuasive communication process that is becoming increasingly interactive. The courses will provide a conceptual understanding of advertising theory and research, the creative process, and the social, cultural and ethical implications of advertising and promotional culture. Students will create advertisements focusing on identifying communication challenges and opportunities, learning production techniques, and developing strategies for traditional advertising approaches and online, digital and mobile interactivity, collaboration and co-production.

Public Relations and Advertising can be studied as 

Specialisation Stream Type Stream
Public Relations & Advertising Specialisation MDIAAS5291

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